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Mondays 10am to 12 noon

HUB is an opportunity for Artist members to get together informally to exchange ideas, taking place monthly in Sprout on Monday mornings. We have been running for about one year.

The programme is fluid, we have been deciding what we want to do from month to month. A favourite meeting was when a number of painters brought along a painting they felt did not work, and the group discussed why and how it could be improved. Subsequently we have drawn and painted together, but always having time to discuss the current exhibition (often the artist(s) are present) and any exhibitions visited by those present. Another topic for discussion was what constituted art. We have a rolling "chair" to ensure it isn't dominated by any one member.
If you are interested in taking part just let us know so you go on the mailing list.





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Friday every month 7-9pm at Sprout Arts

Poetry dates: Friday | Sept 6 | Nov 1 2024

Playreading dates: Friday | August 2 | Oct 2 2024 


Two evening workshops share the First Friday slot from 7 pm to 9pm, each on alternate months.  
The poetry group meets in January March May July September and November, both in person and via zoom, to share poems. The only rule is that it should be a published poem by someone other than yourself. You can choose a poem from any time or place, let us know the title and author and translator in advance. Please note, if you want to share your own poetry work or read out your own poems, this is NOT the group for you.
The play-reading group meets in February April June August October and December in person at Sprout. We all take part and get to read a part. Texts are provided courtesy of the Inter-Library Loans Service so we all follow the same edition. 

Contributions on the night welcome, usually at least £2. Contact Sprout Arts for more details if you'd like to come along. 

For poetry contact Geraldine at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

For Playreading contact John Valentine at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


“We don’t read poems because, like bran flakes, they’re good for us; we read them because we love them – and if you haven’t found a poem you really love, keep looking and I am sure you will.” Erica Wagner